The 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration will be held on July 9-13, 2023. 

International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV) is an annual premier event led by International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV).

Due to the Covid-19 situation, ICSV27 which was supposed to be in Prague, was postponed to fully virtual one in 2021 and now finally the 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV29) will be an in-person Congress in beautiful Prague, Czech Republic, in Hilton Prague, one of the best conference hotels in Europe, all under one roof, located in the city centre…

The ICSV29 system will be open for registrations on November 01, 2022.

For any questions, please ask us at secretariat@icsv29.org


ICSV29 has ended and cannot be ordered.

09. - 13.07.2023

Availability: 554/2000


ICSV29 Secretariat
Senator Meetings & Incentives
Korunni 810/104
101 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic
Email: secretariat@icsv29.org